this is what happened when a lawyer to be took pictures..
let me present you..
A DAY IN J10...!
credited to the unprofessional phototaker(well..most of the pictures are quite blur!)

Joyce,the "father" as said by what Keat..but i still dunno what father n mother mean..someone please tell me?

our Sem by Sem Dedicated Class Rep, Kenny!he's looking for someone capable to delegate his power..beware everyone!

fiqah n farahin..two non-stop-quarelling-about-who's-more-cutest-but-they're-actually-annoying-chom students..haha;D

Kuhan,the casanova guy and Fiqah,the tuba girl..this picture is ok bcause it still consists me(at the back)..haha:D

xin div..look at the cam la..not ur's picture taking..the phototaker only took ur picture not ur shoes..;p
that's all for A DAY IN J10..
if ur picture is not here, don't blame me k?
blame the phototaker..n the government;P
the unprofessional phototaker............

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