Instead of leaving personal msgs for everyone, i would try to be different, and do a recap of my wonderful journey throughout this SAM programme..
my first day upon entering our class (not during econs), i have to admit i do feel intimidated.. u know, being surrounded by all scholars, it sure make me feel very inferior... that do not last long however, as the true side of us finally surfaced.. we began making jokes and i felt more at home in class..
Of cause, the highest point in my one and a half year here i would say is winning the SAM musical.. although we did not reli put in much effort (which make it even sweeter) compared to other classes, we managed to win.. which prove that kiasu-ism don't always work isnt it... looking back at the video of us performing never fails to put a smile on my face despite any stress i m facing.. good job on that everyone.. =D

after the year end break, we came back even bonded stronger as classmates.. u guys are no doubt a very fun bunch to do study with.. even the most boring classes from econs to ESL were made much more interesting thx to u guys.. we also manage to raise a considerable amount during charity carnival, in which everyone contributed in their own way.. all of us worked extremely hard, walking from one corner to the other corner under the scorching sun just to sell fruits and pudding for the cause of charity..

Time flew, now our last day of college is looming, or is tomoro to be exact.. my gratitude towards every single one of our classmates is beyond description.. despite being stressed out by non stop loads of assignments, everytime i step into our class, there is this happy environment that kept me going on.. u guys think that i look stressless and stuff, actually u guys are the one that help me through adversities in this programme..
thanks to u guys, kenny, lara, siu ting, joyce, ragini, afiqah, nik, aie, ian, bee teent, qiu gee, yee pei, xin div, kuhan, amira, farahin, irwan, chom, radzi, laila and last but not least ridhuan.. of coz all our beloved teachers as well, Pn Anizah, Ms Sia, Ms Malini, Ms Wendy, Ms Indra, Mr James, Mr VJ, Ms Chow, Ms Julianne
of coz would like to say sorry to everyone that i have ever offended.. i would safely say that everyone in the class had been teased by me in one way or another, i meant no harm.. hope u guys don mind that.. =)
let us make the last day of college counts, for we may never be classmates again but J1o will always stay as one.. good luck in all ur future undertakings and hope to meet u guys sometime in the future.. :D

with love,
-Eu Keat-
LOL! da pic where my arm block laila's face! XD LOL! thnx dude
i do mind bout it...
u kenakan me a lot dude....?????
but in at then end of our last day in college we manage to kenakan u back.....
i wont forget that moment dude....
ur face expression n ur lips shacking....
we never expect that big bullied will kena until like this....
but actually we all also feel guility to kenakan both of u like that.......
it's too much rite..
but then that time all also not realize what we actually doing...???
sory dude if i or our classmates do offended u ok....
peace no hard feelings ok...:-)
tau pun u all.. if u all wan kenakan me str8 away kenakan me la, why la pulak go through qgee? after she answer oni i have to answer summore, u noe i reli no idea wat to do eh that time.. one of the worst choices i have to make in my life
sory dude.....
we know it's too harsh....
sory la....
dat time we all mmg cannot think wat....???
all also like having fun......
aftr dat only realize....
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