siu ting with her square face..LOL;D always see her sleeping during maths and legal even though she's sitting at the front..even I have no courage to do that;p..oh, she promised me to show me the octagon face someday..i'll wait for that day ya?
the die hard fan of shumacher..qiu gee..;) i love to see u to present in front of the class because u will laugh for every single word that u speak..that's make a 10 minutes presentation to double up..haha;D

peipei, yee pei, yp loo, what ever every one called you, u r still yee pei, my step daughter(or is it my daughter in law?) ;p

ragini..the Kajol of j10..;D u really help to cover nik slept at the back..n u know one thing? i'm jealous of your long legs..;p
Joyce..the brain of j10..what else can i say about her? she's the Brain!;D
Lara..always been gossiped with kenny..or is it true?;p the moving dictionary of the class..
kuhan..i'm gonna miss the red renoma boxer of yours..(but u said it wasn't a boxer right?;p) haha;D oh, i'm gonna missed the time when we're grouped together..nice to work with you;)

xin div..the unexpected question is always coming from my things always dropped, u are the only one who bent down and pick it up for me(as u sit in front of me)..n u should know one fact, u r funny dude!;D

nikki..the most hyperactive girls i'd ever met..u sure can dance in front of the public with ur harihariyuka(did i spell it right?) anime buddyn my library buddy..;)
mrs.potato! aka bawang(joyce 2009) aka fiqah gedik.. the most "gedik" girl i've ever met n never can be replaced by anyone else..n please, don't love my camera too much..i afraid that my phone will be in lubang jamban again..haha;D beloved partner..never tired of her..(aie jgn jealous;p)
what else can i say? i love u...LOL;D

my enemy of the whole SAM..aie..haha;D i will never give amira to you! boooo!;p dude, gonna miss u so much as u always kacau me n "cakak ganu'' with me;p
kenny! the first person that call me as "kak farah"! the most dedicated class rep ever..! u're always so confident in what u do..salute you!;)
eu keat or baby eu(ridhuan 2009)..nice nickname!;p eu keat, i think u r the coolest person i've met that drink milk every day ;p

abang tanjung..haha;D even though he seem so quiet, actually, once he opened his mouth, all the words he says are funny! believe me! n please lah irwan, stop playing with chom stomach ;p
chom, even though u confessed to the whole class that u don't like me but i know what is deep inside ur heart..haha;D u are the first kedahman that i've ever know..never knew any kedahman before..n u have been the soul of the class, as every time u speak, the whole class gonna laugh..keep it man!
radzi or handsome(qiu gee 2009)..haha;D even though u r taken, u still act like u r not huh?;p gonna miss all ur jokes..n ur american pie..haha;D (don't said something weird or i'm gonna google it;p)
bee teent..the quiet little girl at the back..the sweet mathematicians of the class..;D
ian..the anti-corrupted govt..u always give ur full in everything u've done! i love the spirit of yours! n love to listen to your loghat utara..haha;D
what else can i say about ridhuan? unless that he is talkative guy who love to talk, talk n talk,,n i really think that u are a YB u u know everyone in the college..;p

laila, laila, laila..the witch laugh of yours will haunt me forever!haha;D
the most childish girl ive met even though she is one of the eldest in our
class..n laila, i reaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllly love all ur food!;p
n last but not least(so cliche);p
pn anizah! the comel-est lecturer in taylors! thanks for dealing with ur lovable n retarded students! thanks for being our mentor! we love you!;D
so guys, i hope we put all the best for our final papers..hope that all of us can board the plane n safely arrive in let aussie people know how retarded the j10-ians!
hahahaa...kak farah!!abis la kluar smua muka retard j10..hahahaa..XD
j10 mmg retarded kan?;p
i vote this as my favourite farewell entry!
why oh why? muka aku sbegitu roopaaaa?
it's hare hare yukai. haha! salah! boo! muahaha~
ian, since when we have voting syytem?LOL;p but i feel very honoured;D
chom, kan ke namenye muke retarded;D
nik, dekat2 dah tu bunyi..ngehehe;D
ehhh farahin......
mane ko dpt pic tu......
sensored la....
ak sexy sgt.......
btw,gonna miss to tease u too girl2....:-)
don't know who to tease anymore except u lol.......
thanx for be so sporting....
aie, tu koleksi2 gmbar2 seksi ko sbnrnye;p
ak ade simpan diam2..haha;D
not fair!
where do u get the picture of me? it is so not me!! not fair ler they all got nice nice pics~~
kak farah!!tak adil!teda gambar sendri...
joyce, i try so hard ok to find ur retarded face..u should be glad that urs is not like chom..haha;p
kenny, mana buleh ltk gmbar sndri..;p
me like the pics of yee pei, siu ting, amira n radzi. radzi sangat jambu! tgh version rosemary la tuh. haha
i vote for siu ting n ridhuan!
vote? wat vote? hahaha my face! owh! its so cool! npe x ltk muka kure-kure ko gak? XD
ridhuan, ni korang punya post, ak x ltk muka pon xpe;p
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