Sleeping Collection!

As promised, I shall put my Sleeping Collection here. No offense ya people, let's just see it as a joke only ya. ;)

Farahin in class~

Ridhuan. The same old Ridhuan.

Don't play play, Joyce pun tidur tau. LOL

Chom is tired from the stomach-holding battle. LOL

Sleeping Kenny

Abang Tanjung sudah penat...

Farahin syok layan mimpi dalam bas. ;)

Laila at cafe!

Baby Eu sleeping blissfully~

And... last, but not least,

Ridhuan in mamai state! XD


p/s: Some pics are lost. Will upload more if I found them. LOL


Aie said...

all of them sleep ar...????
i don't sleep in the class...

kuragechan said...

aie, sy igt sy ada gambar awk tido dlm bas. just can;t remember where i put it. heheheeee~

Aie said...

ak tidur dlm bus...????
owh no no no.......
ak x pernah tidur dlm bus.......
ko tipu...!!!!!!!

kuragechan said...

ade la. hahahahahhaha

Anonymous said...

takkan mine dun hav???

Aie said...

buktikn la if ade....
seingat ak la ak x pernah tidur dlm class kut....
dlm bus lg lah....
merepek jer ko neh nick...!!!!

Anonymous said...

hahaha..gaya tdr aku yang paling rocks!!

Aie said...

itu bkn rock bah....
itu sangap bah........

Anonymous said...

sangap??apa itu bah??

nur laila aqilah said...

omg i look so pale..
nik: picxa aie tdur dlm bus tue dlm phone sy la..

Aie said...

karut la korang neh........
mase bile plak ak tidur dlm bus neh...????

kuragechan said...

laila, nnti sy claim. haha!

lerk said...

opps.... pls don bliv the picture displayed. it's nt me! someone do some photoshop isssit?

grengras said...

LOL! pesal ader sampai dua? siap ada mamai pic agi nih?

Anonymous said...

joyce..i wonder whose water bottle is that..yours??hehehe..XD